Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Okay, so over the last couple of years, I have complained repeatedly about living in the 'burbs. The transit sucks, there isn't as much "going on," I'm a lot further from many of my friends, which has had the effect of losing touch with many of them, etc.

This post isn't about that. See, for as much as I loved living in the city proper, there was always one thing lacking: Christmas lights. Sure, some homes and apartments would put some up, but not very many, and the city itself never seemed to. However, in the suburban municipality where I now find myself, it's a very different story... there are lights everywhere. The city has garland strung above the roads along the telephone wires, park trees have lights all over them - and just about every third house (so far this year) is well lit. Even the Hindu family next door has lights strung and a Christmas tree set up in the front window. For that matter, there are a lot of families from the subcontinent of India, and a great many of them have very well-lit houses. Some put them up for Vaisakhi, but more of them waited until just these last couple of weeks.

Makes you re-think some of the pagan stances on the holidays.

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