Monday, May 21, 2012

Looking back. Looking ahead.

Well, the big move is coming up.  At the end of the school year, my family moves across the water, to begin the next chapter of our life.  I have already given my notice at my job of the last eleven years.

I feel adrift.  Floating.

I spent today going through a bunch of my stuff, discarding some of what is no longer useful, stuff that I really don't want to take with me.  I didn't trim nearly enough, but then again, I am a packrat.  :/

One of the things that I dug up was my collection of letters from my pen pal.  Looking back over them really brought a lot of memories, as I flipped through them and was reminded of the passage of time and events.  Sure, I have her on FB and G+, but there is nevertheless a strong sense of comfort in a paper letter, whether typed or handwritten.  It occurs to me that those letters are some of my most prized possessions.

And now this.  This is a big change.  I haven't done something this big (aside from getting married or becoming a father) since I was nineteen years old, when I first moved to this city.  That was almost twenty years ago....

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