Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Who am I? Ask around

With the ADF elections on, I'm getting this question from a few people. It's a worthy question, really, but not one I like to answer as such.

I will happily discuss things I have done, positions I've held. Deeds and accomplishments. But not questions to my character.


Think about it. Everybody thinks they are a good person. Those who don't think so, we tell not to be so hard on themselves, say they have esteem issues. So obviously I am not the best judge of my own character. But I can freely judge the character of others, based on my observations of their deeds and words. I can freely discuss things I have done, or not done, and why.

But how I made someone feel? You'll have to ask them. Did I meet their expectations? Ask them. Not me. I'll afford you the same courtesy.

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