Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So I am reading a couple of things at the moment: Tacitus' Germania and this blog entry of my daughter's Godsmother. Together they formed a very interesting realization about my American neighbors, to wit: the modern American shows an incredible similarity to the ancient Germanic peoples.

In her blog post, she talks of the irony of how she is shown incredible hospitality on the one hand, but is asked about what kind of protective measures she is carrying with her as she travels (most of this blog is detailing the travels of a young, beautiful woman on her own in a VW Westfalia). In the Germania, Tacitus states how every adult carries arms, and how hospitality is the greatest of virtues.

Given how the news is always debating about gun control measures, etc, this stuck out as particularly noteworthy. Hm. I wonder how Canada stacks up, with this in mind..?

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