Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pondering the Gylfagginning

Sacred Feces!

This morning, in order to facilitate my article-writing (which is going slowly, but is still going), I grabbed my Eddas to read on the bus ride in to work. So I began reading the Gylfagginning, and do you know what the first thing I noticed was? Here, let me quote:

"He saw three high-seats one above the other, and a man seated in each of them. Then he asked what names those chieftains had. The man who had taken him inside answered that the one siting on the lowest seat was a king called High One, the next was Just-as-high, and the topmost one was called Third." Jean I. Young, translator.

Do you see it? You may not. Think about the Temple at Uppsala (in Sweden...? Hmmm). Actually, the description of the stronghold he visits is similar, too...

Anyway, inside the Temple, it is described that there were three statues, each placed on high-seats. Odhinn, Freyr, and, on the highest seat, Thor.

Maybe High One, Just-as-high, and Third aren't all Odhinn, after all? Something to ponder...

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